it is february, about a month before easter. so whats happening in the sleepy towns of germany? right the "narren are los". the annoying neverentding trarrii trarraaaaa which can only be endred in at least a half drunk state, the costumes, the food, the typical dancing, the parades, all that has started again.
Fasching is different to halloween. the costume are much nicer. you dont have to be something evil or nasty, you can go as anything, an indian, a belly dancer, a prisoner, an astronaut, a kangaroo, etc. i share a love-hate for it. I adore getting dressed up, eating berliner or "fastnachtsküchle" and i dont mind a bit of alcohol either, on the other hand it does get on your nerves: the music is worse than at the cheesiest mallorca ballermann, or après-skiing party in austria. and the perpetual tv parades which get bradcasted instead of the usual rubbish istn't much better.
now why am i writing this? yesterday I went to one of these fasching parties. well not really, we had a tournament (4th place) which i danced and afterwards we went to our club to shower and celebrate the bday of two people of our formation.
It was the wildest shower ever. three showers and at least 7-9 people at a time, plus sect, plus shower "colour" plus loud house music. it was fun. then we all got dressed up-i was a gene in a bottle, with sparkly blue loosehanging pants, and a rather short ans small oriental looking top. but there was an arabian oil "scheich", an indian, a prostitute, several playboy bunnies in different montures, indiana jones, a tourist, a bumble bee, the flintstones, a football player, an astronaut, an persian princess, a prisoner, and surely lots more which i cannot remember. anyhow the alcohol was pouring. I wasnt drunk, but certainly a bit tipsy, however in compared to the majority of both the b and c formation, that was still sober. then, we danced a "durchgang" of our programme, b and c mixed. te b formation dacned the programme 3 years ago, a lot more difficult, so there were some couples doing extra continuals, roundabouts, arms and lankenaus, then there were those that moved up from c to b last year, which had the landeslige programme, and then there were a couple of us that have the current version programmed into our muscle cells. It was chaotic, nobody really go the entire thing toether; dacing a few passages, leaving out some others, doing arms or not doing them, and 3 versions of the thing. the moral is: my dance partner dances better drunk than the one i danced with yesterday ;).
then there was more alcohol, some more dancing, some pizza and other food. at around 8 pm, i started making sure my fave dance partner stops the acohol tap that was dripping into his stomach- he was drunk as hell-but he actually listenend! how nice.
then at 2300 my parents picked me up :( involuntarily I again was one of the first to go. as always. yippie yippe yeay, almost 18 and still not trusted out late. but it was a really good day, a fun tournament, an even more fun party, which i guess the theme of fashing made even more crazy than it would have been otherwise.
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