Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

a weekend of dance

again I have spent my entire last weekend not doing the homework and studywork and school work which i was supposed to, but instead i occupied myself with the fine arts: dancing. saturday was a first league latin formation tournament and sunday a tournament of my own. here some impressions and pictures.

saturday: latin the real thing.

for the second time, I was priviledged to watch some of the worlds best ofrmations: the german league, containing the surrent german champs and vice world champs: ggc bremen A. but ot only this highlight, with their famous trainer Roberto Albanese was worth it: velbert, bremen b, aachen and lastly our A formation all were there too. so after the usual four hours training, instead of going home, I roamed through ludwigsburg having some lunch, before settling in to see the competition. at first it looked like wed have dream seat: right at the top, but that wasnt to be granted, as it was a fire exit etc. so we were lucky and got other awesome seats: fourth row at the front! this meant you couldnt see the pctures, but instead you could see the dancing, the facial expressios and the single movements.

now sunday. after getting up at 5 am to di the usual makeup programme. we drove to kirchkeim (teck), had two catastrophical "stellproben", practice runs, got shouted at, gpt ready, and danced an awesome tournament. the first one had mroe adrenalin in it,but i think i was better here. It felt good and was loads of fun. m fave scene was at the end of the prerun, when we wlaked off: I looked at the judge center middle, raise my eyebrows and smile, and see him make a cross. the more crosses the better.
now guess what happened. we beat backnang c and bietigheim A!!!!!!!! :D our two rivals! it was pretty close with a 33345, but enough. getting the results was a dream. we knew we had at least the 5th place secure, so when the team infront of us, backnang c, got a majority of 5th place, we knew we would be above them. half or tema was already jumping up and down (even though we were all like hsh you dint now the result yet) but then we were up! I couldnt believe my eyes when i saw the 3s. it was more than expected, but not necessarily more than deserved. the party mood afterwards was one of the best i have ver experienced, especially when the b team (2nd place) dressed up to a "bad taste" theme.
so here are some pics: (the yellow ones are us, the whack ones the bteam after the show)

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