Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Sunday, 14 November 2010


I hang around all sunday, not getting things done I want and need to get done, nor really doing anything fun, nor purposefully relaxing. Im just hanging about up to nothing. It is a half state. I am not awake and active. I am not asleep. I want to be active. I want to do something fun. But I end up doing nothing at all. So that is in itself a very good prerequisite for an aweful day. then you just need a stolen nutella jar that was still half full and given to you by your boyfriend, and the realisation that with my school grades I can pretty much forget ever getting a scolarship, to set your mood to an unstoppable crashcourse downwards.
so now I am at the bottom. nad then I start to remember the good bits, not here, as here is never really happy, but from the near past; my last year or so in stuttgart.
I did realise, and I hope I did acknowledge and enjoy the feeling "glücklich" enough. This is the feeling I had walking to the train station in the morning, roaming through an empty ISS after everybody else had left. roaming around anywhere basically. I was pretty much bottom heap of the high school social ladder, but I found my way out. I had friends which I now realise how much I am missing them, and the regular coffee chats we shared. So Im going to spare you the rest of this "I am so miserable" rant, It will jsut continue like thi for 3 hours, and terribly bore you and be terribly embarrassing for me if I ever read what I wrote here.
I think what I am experiencing is a severe underoccupation. I need to find some other hobby or involvement. really bad and really quickly, as I think this will probably ease my lazyness and get me to do work. but what to do??
I am already dancing and taking spanish. I need something sort of political. AI? medsin? I dont know where Ill end up.

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