Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

The Roach War

I know that it’s four days before D-Day (read IIT-JEE), but as usual I’m enthused to do something different. So I flipped through the pages of my sis’ school magazine. And voila, I read a very interesting fact (one that might need to be verified by Julia’s bio teacher), but nevertheless, here it is:

In the event of a nuclear disaster, the beast most likely to survive the horrific radiation would be …..(hear the drumbeats and the trumpets playing) THE COCKROACH.

For those of you who know less about this variety, I will share my new-found knowledge with you. According to the Webster’s Universal College Dictionary, roaches are any of numerous orthopterous insects of the family Blattidae, characterised by a flattened body (ugh..) , rapid movements and usually nocturnal habits.

For the past few days, my life has been interspersed with sightings of copious members of this species. Top 5 reasons for this:

5. It’s hot and humid and perfect climate for mating/thriving for these brutes.

4. I stay up till late night amassing knowledge from Halliday n Resnick, Morrison and Boyd and Messrs Thomas and Finney’s extensive book on calculus. So on my journeys to the kitchen to hydrate myself, I am more likely to step on one of the brutes at night than during the day.

3. They like the refuge of my room, due to the cosmic collection of the aforementioned books.

2. They like the refuge of my room due to traces of my ‘comfort’ food (aka chocolate, chocolate milk, coffee, cappuccino, espresso, latte – anything with cocoa or caffeine or both) on the floor. (My Mom‘s hypothesis, which was most likely the explanation till I discovered the next reason)

1. Due to the impending plausible nuclear war due to the energy/ego crisis, the roaches are breeding faster so that they have a good chance of taking over the world (with the mozzies – cos they need air coverage as well).

So duh! now I know why the roaches (and mozzies) have burgeoned the universe. Beware fellow Homo Sapiens for our untroubled and powerful days on this planet may well be terminated by THE BRUTE……!!!!!
So keep your bug-sprays handy and get ready for the War with The RoachWorld.

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