Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

the scarf

today I wore my orange scarf- my brown big feel good trousers some cuddly pullover and a huge fat cotton orange (and rather unfitting i must admit) scarf. scarfs are practical! they keep your throat warm and are thus a good prophilaxis against some nasty throat bug. they look decent enough not to be thrown into the box of fashion suicidals and they are quick and universal- oh your cold? wrap it around 2, 3 times et voila.. cuddly!

I like scarves, so do other people. there seems to be a real scarf epidemic floating round school. it is my personal suspicion and theory of conspiracy that it actually was noriske who started it, he has a real history of scarfiness, but it could have sprung up out of any other center of inflammation: mary has a white and blue scarf, charlotte and alice keep to the good old palistinian scarf, phillippa has her plaid pragathi given scarf and norisuke- his scarfs are almost historical, the godfather of scarfiness.

ducks, flowers, plaid, patterns, unicoloured, paisley printed, long, short, norisuke seems to own a scarf for all lebenslagen. my current favourite is however his grey duck scarf. it matches his blue duck vest/sweater like piece of clothing and gives evidence for his infailable (?) sense of style. in other words he looks like my grandfather. (sorry norisuke, we still love you for it!).

but yet, charlotte owns the only missing link in the impeccable collection of knitted strips of clothing- the berühmt berüchtigte flower scarf. it is perfect, long, cuddly, effeminate, the missing button in the waistcoat of scarfs of nurisukes closet...

i myself have reduced myself to plain orange, a bizarre colour in my wardrobe i must admit, but its something handy because its warm, i know it will never fit no matter what im wearing, and the whole schools scarfed up enough not to notice anyways.

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