Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Thursday, 14 August 2008


ill never get this post done even thouh i have wanted to write it that past week. thus il start and add as i go along. sorry about the bad qualty of writing, but i jsut want to get it doindg anotehr internship in myospital as im going along by the way, which explains the tiredness and lack of time.

siebenbürgen-the name sais it seven castles- sieben Burgen. they mean the cities, honigberg, kronstadt hermannstadt birthelm, schäßburg, bistritz, and another town i cannot remember, named after the churches with four towers attached to them a symbol of self government.

its an old settlement. the fist people came in 1200, by the wish of the hungarian king. but many, especially in other ares-burzenland, banat etc came later.

f you see a romanian map. youll be surprized as you wont see any town i have wrtten above. but those are only the german names .they also have romanian ones, and someties hungarian. because the area was a true mix of cultures, religions and minorities. but it worked.

a picture of the town i stayed in first- mediasch. my mum visited upper school here, very close to the church (Kirchenburg). the schools used to be owned by the churches. and believe it or nto, religion played a major role, even hough my granparents and parents arent that religious.
i attended church on sunday though. it was so different, though the same branch. the pastor sung most of what he said. monotone usually, with raising or lowering the pitch at the end of a phrase. i found it very beautful to listen to. and less boring. the dress was also different. rather medieval, with silver stripy things along the chest. i cant describe it really, you have to have a picture. the songs were also all different, i didnt recognise one of them, and not becuase i almost never go to church here. they smply were different, and usually harder to sing (for a church song which never is hard to sing). i also paritcipated in the abendmahl, which i am allowed to do, having had my konfirmation. it was, as always, this papery read representing stuff, but real wine. after you got the bread you went arond the altar to receive the wine. very strange to me. but it has more of a ceremony to it as it is done in germny. i think here the church wants to adapt to modern times. instead its making me fall asleep. id be much more of a church fan (doesnt mean im mre religious) if i were to be able to attend church in siebenbürgen.

we had cremesch, something my granny is the ultimatie expert in baking, as well as eclairs and savarine, a romanian speciality- also sweet and calorie loaded, in the bakery my mum used to run to as a kid after school had ended, as a treat of survival.

...too tired to be continued

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well well well......