Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

dont you just.....

HATE it??

yes I have school again. my 8 weeks of peace and freedom- die ruhe vor dem sturm- is over.

and great 8 weeks or so they were. full of peace------ and joy------and happyness-----and doing nothing...well, er, my definition of nothing. and now im slightly pampered and dont want the stress nor the workload. not to mention my excitement of seeing all my favourite teachers and people again. (pragathi, you know whom i mean...)

why? could just go on in my beloved hospital, where i have spent the past 2 weeks, zipping in and out of operations, asking holes into doctors stomaches and poking holes into litte grannies who cannot defend themselves or hide in time.

i must admit im rather cynical about the upcoming year. i dont see a lot of bright specks in it, unless I have mr garvey for my HL bio that is. but it already starts with the class trip. it starts on my bfs birthday (bad sign), and to salzburg and the chiemsee. in comparison to earier fieldtrips thats about as unspectacular as a pea in a vergetabe soup. then mrs martin being the ib coordinator is also somewhat a surprize, but when coming to think of it, she does have enough experience with ib i think. i dunno ill see in acouple of weeks if shes any good (she is as a music teacher dont get me wrong). at least the scheckschrauben mr. b and mr. w are off for good.

and abt the rest, well the worst are gone, admin wise and the best are gone too, student and staff wise. im in a class of 17, with phillippa not being in it *grrrrrrr* but for that a couple of other not too optimistic but hey its not like i have a choice. and in any case ill be in shanghai or somewhere like that with my best friend in a couple of years time anyways. that, and medecine uni is always something to look foreward to.

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