I randomly typed blog into my internet browser and all the suggestions I hit were related to this. An instant pang of guilt hit me. almost two years! Flipping through the pages, this is some of the story of what I, or better, of what we do. So I need to force myself to keep it up, because even if I am the only one to go through the pages with a smile, then its already worth it.
So whats the news?
2013 seems like an age away. A lot has happened. Dancing with my ex partner and all that drama, splitting the morning of southern nationals. Endocrinology in Chelwest hospital, exams. Glastonbury, Open'er. My DKFZ internship, the bike tours, my job at the wine festival, hiking across the alps with my mum. Byebye Margra, hello Camelot and Immunology.
Oh dear. My Immunology BSc. As much as I love the subject, love the labwork and take pride that I managed, I found it really difficult and draining.
Maybe thats because a small voice at the back of my head keeps telling me to go, to run, to move, to travel. That makes sitting and trying to decipher papers and jam it all in my head a bit troublesome.
But I went to japan. For half a year I woke up thinking "OMG im going to be in Japan" and "its ok, im going to be in Japan"which I think got me through.
And it was worth it. My BSc project at TMDU was incredible. Amazing supervisors, lovely, lovely people. many new experiences and finally a chance to give into that small voice in my head.
I almost forgot my Christmas trek seeing family in Germany and schlepping Chinami, my exchange friend along. I hope she got a good glimpse of Germany.
And boom, thats this year gone. Japan feels like yesterday, but Im already back since May. What happened? I honestly couldnt tell you. Time moves more quickly as you age, right? such an annoyance. well, yes of course I know what i did.
Meeting up in Paris and in Calais :)
Open'er for a third time, followed by 3 weeks of israel epicness. 2 weeks of couchsurfing and thinking, with some of the most inspiring and openhearted people ever and one week of seeing all the other beautiful bits with Jürgen.
then back to hospitals. yeay, finally. Derm, GP, Paeds. Having a couchsurfer over and hitching to Stonehenge. 2 weeks in Dundee and a glorious day visiting my Margra and Camelot teammate Maria in Glasgow and one up in the highlands with her. 6 weeks of psych, 2 weeks of germany. Its been a while since I last was there, almost 2 years since I last met Yuan and Charlotte. so crazy.
reading the above almost makes me feel out of breath, like I was running. Should I slow down? Life is too short? lets start with scribbling this blog a bit more regularly.
Maybe the most important thing, dear Prags, is being able to continue the conversation we started so long ago, and add a chapter to the story every time we meet.
So whats the news?
2013 seems like an age away. A lot has happened. Dancing with my ex partner and all that drama, splitting the morning of southern nationals. Endocrinology in Chelwest hospital, exams. Glastonbury, Open'er. My DKFZ internship, the bike tours, my job at the wine festival, hiking across the alps with my mum. Byebye Margra, hello Camelot and Immunology.
Oh dear. My Immunology BSc. As much as I love the subject, love the labwork and take pride that I managed, I found it really difficult and draining.
Maybe thats because a small voice at the back of my head keeps telling me to go, to run, to move, to travel. That makes sitting and trying to decipher papers and jam it all in my head a bit troublesome.
But I went to japan. For half a year I woke up thinking "OMG im going to be in Japan" and "its ok, im going to be in Japan"which I think got me through.
And it was worth it. My BSc project at TMDU was incredible. Amazing supervisors, lovely, lovely people. many new experiences and finally a chance to give into that small voice in my head.
I almost forgot my Christmas trek seeing family in Germany and schlepping Chinami, my exchange friend along. I hope she got a good glimpse of Germany.
And boom, thats this year gone. Japan feels like yesterday, but Im already back since May. What happened? I honestly couldnt tell you. Time moves more quickly as you age, right? such an annoyance. well, yes of course I know what i did.
Meeting up in Paris and in Calais :)
Open'er for a third time, followed by 3 weeks of israel epicness. 2 weeks of couchsurfing and thinking, with some of the most inspiring and openhearted people ever and one week of seeing all the other beautiful bits with Jürgen.
then back to hospitals. yeay, finally. Derm, GP, Paeds. Having a couchsurfer over and hitching to Stonehenge. 2 weeks in Dundee and a glorious day visiting my Margra and Camelot teammate Maria in Glasgow and one up in the highlands with her. 6 weeks of psych, 2 weeks of germany. Its been a while since I last was there, almost 2 years since I last met Yuan and Charlotte. so crazy.
reading the above almost makes me feel out of breath, like I was running. Should I slow down? Life is too short? lets start with scribbling this blog a bit more regularly.
Maybe the most important thing, dear Prags, is being able to continue the conversation we started so long ago, and add a chapter to the story every time we meet.
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