Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

home sweet home

I miss my bed. I miss the lovely view out of my window (which shows planst instead of a wall). I miss the landesbibliothek. Thats the best library ever if you need to study. I miss Herbertz espressobar, and breakfast with friends there. I miss yellow ubahns which work on a scedule and are reliable. I miss a nagging mum and an ignorant dad. I miss knowing Jürgen is only an hour away. I miss brezeln, proper bakerys and many trees in the city.
I am in london now. why am complaining? maybe because I should do work this minute, but no, off to breakfast. Anyhow. this is my london empire. more like desk-state ;)

PS. After a couple of days of consideration, I believe I lead a double life. life germany ,where I am a daughter, and still a girl, life two in london is where I take care of my life and toughen up a lot more. Both roles are enjoyable and really sweet, but I think the shift is hard.

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