Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Thursday, 5 August 2010

impressions of CR

I wrote this 2 weeks ago but couldn’t get it up due to the horrible internet connection here.

I must say I am liking this place more and more. despite daily rain, horrible horrible horrible traffic, different infastructure and different food, its great.

to the weather. it is warm, but rarely sunny, if it is, then only in the morning. I was amazed the first time I saw blue sky. this leads to frequent (daily) rain in the evenings or afternoon, sometimes accompanied by an occasional thunderstorm. I like the weather though, it is neither too warm nor too cold (for me).

the traffic...well the roads are ok i guess, with occasional holes on them. the sidewalks are separated to the place where the cars go by a dug out for the excess water. not yummy. and there are very few traffic signs...starting out there are just about no street signs, but signs signalling velocity, right to go first and direction are also usually lacking. plus as a pedestrian you are always the ideot. if you cannot take care of yourself, the cars wont do it for you. entonces you run. riding in the bus and looking out the window, I got hearattack after heartattack due to the closedriving up and ither very slose bypasses, which i swear should have ended in humoungous crashes, but luckily didnt. Im happy not to drive here.

Food? I have never had more rice with beans and chicken than here. its really yummy, like not spicy or anything but still, beans with rice, rice with beans. morning (gallo pinto), lunch (casado) and evening. despite that, there are great foods such as platanos (banana to be cooked) , tropical fruits, etc.

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