Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Standard formation world championship

the title tells everything about my last weekend. the WM was in ludwigsburg, organsied by my club. so I got to help out too! I was responsible for the second slowakian team: interklub bratislava. a very nice and fun team (that spoke english) and very nice trainers that spoke german. I was reponsible for them to be there on time, on the dance floor on time and had to do some little organisational things that had to be done.

the best thing was though that they got into the final round, and 6/8 there. the team was so happy, and I was very happy for them. oh yeah my club also became world champion, with all 1s. very cool, but i msut say that i found the running up teams extremely strong too. what was less cool was the aftershow party organsised by them: foreign clubs werent really welcome (well they said they were but it didnt feel like it). alcohol (and you know formation dancers love alcohol, especially sect) was very very expensive and there were a ton of grannys sitting about waiting for the home team to arrive. I fled as soon as possible. so did the winning team later, to a rather...lets say proximity of low order bar.

the great thing is i got to meet and see lots and lots of world class formations for free and up close: elblag form poland, vera tyumen from russia or braunschweig from northern germany, to name the top teams apart from the 1 tcl. it was a very special day, a great audience and amazing dancing. I must check whether im to be seen on tv :D

pictures to come

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

im 18. how weird is that?

Monday, 2 November 2009


I am on the verge of a nerve crisis. in less than 4 hours ill be 18.

18 the coming of age. a new part of your life. yes I think i am ready for that, but then again i am not very good for change, I seem to be cautious of changes. my childhood is over. officially. what a scary thought. since ever before i could remember I have refered to myself as a child. I remember the first time when I was spoken to as "sie" the formal you in german. I was bewildered as it did nto fit into my world conception. since a few years now I follow descartes: cogito ergo sum. I think therefore I am or simply: I am...but I am not. I am responsible but I dont feel like a dusty rusty boring grown up.

In four hours Ill have a ton of priviledges: ill be able to vote, drive a car(once I get a liscence), have all the alcohol I want, stay out all I want, work all I want and get punished all society wants. yeah the last not quite a priviledge.

it feels so awkward. I turned 16 yesterday, and now all the sudden im 18? the far away ominous 18 age all kids wish for and dread at the same time. im confused. I dont know what is to await me, and yet again I dont want to get older. especially not on a horrible day like tomorrow where all i get to do is write essays and study.

3 hours and 15 minutes. oh no the clock is ticking.

Stephan was right yesterday: you can only use the time once.