Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Thursday, 29 January 2009

debating till the last mark

teachers fights are interresting. there are those between horrible studants and horrible teachers-> the teacher wins. then there are those between good students and horrible teachers-> in the end the teacher wins. (though the student might get credited with some battles) and then there are the hardest battles of all. those when zou need one more mark to get the full score but the teacher just wont give it to you. and guess what -> the teacher wins.

this jsut happened in bio. my debating skills mun have hammered into me failed. my class debate skills failed and even my tok enduring skills were not good enough to up my mark to a 7 from 7-. grrrrrrrr. mr garvey pleeeeeaaase!!!! o:)

Friday, 23 January 2009

Fräulein Julie

provocant and selfaware the drama blasted the brains out of the modest and partially already chalked up audience. Fräulein Julie, a naturalist skandinavian drama written by Strindberg interpreted newly, with catwalk instead of kitchen, a mixture of tecktonic jumpstlye and discodance instead of the traditional walz, and the implied love story, (ok, even in the text its quite clear whats happening) the story of lust, seduction and sex, is stripped down and carved out, fitting to the drift of the time.

Picture from

Stripped is the right word. layer by layer the clothing fell. a panty under the rather short skirt was rather "normal". due to dancing im immune to such things anyhow. but soon the clothing fell. not only could you watch the actors change at the back of the "stage", the catwalk. but one of the coolest scenes, which really took your breath away was the final scene before it was clear the characters would sleep together: he still warns her: this is not good, stop whilst you can, im an arse. but she is the dominant one. Julie is superior, not only in class but in strongmindedness. her response is cool, calculated but still playful and highly seductive. she takes off her dress in front of him and cooly strolls off. he follows, also stripping on the way, with the same cool aprehension. like models on a runway, just that you know where theyve come from and where they are gong, theres more than that.

the end however still streched a bit. he loves me, she loves me, but he still only calls me "sie". she doesnt have as much money so she can go somewhere, hes an ideot that wanted to use me, but i still love him. no you dont yes you do yes i do. lets run away no i dont want to anymore, but i must, but i have money, but no not without my bird. forget him. no i wont go anymore, what will happen, you are cruel i want to kill you. inbetween some kissing some almost fighting, some vulgarities. but all in all it became brain overload. the firework of the beginning decrescendoed into wordy muddles of the soul that allowed the attention to dwindle away.

we all know the story in some way or another. the mutual affection is there, but somehow both dont really want to make it work. or one does and the other doesnt know or both dont really and think they do. the versions of love drama are numerous and neverending: the schoolfriend, the person everybody is gossiping about, at least if there is no better example the bollywood cheese. but i still think this story was packaged well. The director and characters had taken the original text and remodeled it, reinterpreted it and made it scandalous again, which is what naturalism was at that time. not that stripped people are something new in our time of playboy overload, but as always for some reason sex sells and works over and over again.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

the future

yesterday in the public library i found a song i have been looking for for years at least since 8th grade. it is the end of the world by the famous rockband REM. it is about the world falling to pieces, being bombedwith total chaos, i dont know what else. But in the end "I feel fine".

" I feel fine" . Life goes on as it always does. all the sudden i took a full stop in my race of a life, to realise that nothing is of eternity. Until now i had simply lived my life, "flunked" around in school (you know i never flunk... but flunking begins at 99.5% of engine power), danced, did whatever, but signs are heaping up that i need time to think in the continual path of finding out who you really are, and what you really want. for one thing, i met my college advisor on friday. this is pretty straightforeward- may next year ill be out of this litte neighbourhood that "isnt quite am arsch der welt, but you can see it very well from there". small suburbian dream stuttgart. ideal for growing up, but there is so much more out there.

I realised i have to get my act togehter in school. i have it together, but its not going to be enough for what i want. its difficult, as i realise i have just spent another entire afternoon doing nothing, instead of studying for the urgent bio exam coming up. prags, it was so much easier to concentrate when there was somebody to study with-like you. i got pampered ;). the idea of applying in half a year, is scary. the idea to have a new life in a year and a half even more so. I will leave behind those friends that havent already left me- on the one hand thats terribly exciting and i can wait, on the other hand ISS and especially my formation has become rather important to me.

what i am living now is sort of like a dream- my passion of dancing, cool teachers for most of my IB subjects, my passion of piano, and the priviledge of spending time with one of the nicest and smartest guys ive met- a real exeption that can stand sometimes difficult me, and follow along at speeds most people get left behind at. ive come to care about him lots, but the clock is ticking, for the big dark cloud will outpour the flood eventually.

I am scared. I must admit. as always it is hard thinking of letting go of the things you love, of the people you love. but i guess you have to. perhaps the best advice i got in this matter is that its my life. its my decision. if i get admitted to some cool thing, be it uni, be it an exchange, be it a job, be it a dream, l i go there, despite formation, despite possible boyfriend, despite parental nagging. the gain outweighs the loss.

carpe diem- seize the day, treasure it and carefully lock it away in a safe place to remember, for thats the only litte piece of eternity we can take with us. and remember even if the world around you is sinking in chaos, you can always simply "feel fine".

Monday, 5 January 2009


a pictue sais more than a thousand words and that why i added some throughout the blog. I finally managed to upload everything important form my camera.
firstly some pics of the tournament on the 11th. ill just stick them in here as were already on the topic of pics

to finish it off here are some pictues from two days ago (the third)