Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Sunday, 23 November 2008


as I hurried out to the train station early saturday morning (yesterday), an odd difference ccured to me: it was colder, and wetter than usual. somehow the world seemed to be covered in a crust of fluffy powder sugar. I kickstarted my brain and realised the signs my brain registered pointed to only one plausible diagnosis: it had snowed. (the picture is the view out my window right now: its still snowing)

for me, snow is really pretty to look at. and rather fun to play with, but actually a real pain: your pants et wet, your shoes get wet, your nose and eyelashes freeze, nad if somebody happes to manage to get the stuff down your shirt, got inside and wait for 3 minutes and you wil feel like having peed yourself. not fun. especially when snow gets older and dirty and yellow and slushy it hits the height of nastyness. no snow like that is not cool.

snow actually only is cool fr skiing, but as im not allowed to do that anyhow this year...

on the other hand, snow means something completely different to otehr people. i know pragathi saw her first snow here in stuttgart. i remember the time and everytime afterwards when we were sitting through some more or less boring class when the while crystals started to fall. pragathis eyes almost popped! they were glued to the window and as soon as the bell had ung there was no keeping her inside despite my groanings of ow horrible snow actually was. but i must agree, snow is beautiful and i am pampered with seeing at least a 5cm load every year so that i dont even notice what other people miss out on.

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