Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

is it fair?

on saturday when we went to skopje, me and phillippa met a girl that spoke almost perfect german. a rarity here, so we used the situation to have a chat about lifer here, how come she spoke german etc.

it turned out that she lived in germany for 9 years, through most of her schooling, in a little cvillage near frankfurt. it was clear she had loved germany, and had basically seen it as her own country. "i was german, i was only albanian on the paper and that was the problem".

when in 2004 the bundeskabinett issued a new rule concerning auslaender her whole life rotated 360 degrees before she knew what was going on. suddenlly one day the poliece was there, suddelnly she was at teh airport, adn then gone for good, into a new country she didnt identify with, new customs, rather new language and definately a different lifestyle. she said all her friends were there. she didnt know where to say goodbye first.

the girl, around 18 years old, now just gotten out of school and on a summer job, porbably to finance uni (germanistic studies) is rather tall, has a fashionable haircut,, bangs handing almost into her eyes, and an incredible makeup. enoufgh to be interresting, but enough to be decent. she tries to do her own thing here, but gleichberechtigung? no way she said. aparently there are parts of europe where women dont have the same chanxces are glareda at and goddiped about if they do her own thing by neighbours, people at school and even random people.

in german, the thing that happended to her is called "abschiebung", when the country decides they wont host you anymore if you are a minority form a different country. but if your family has fully adaped, has friends, secure jobs, language etc. i font it rather cruel to rip them out of their life and inot a "lesser" one, at least one with lesser opportunities.

then again the arguments from the state, you cannot have too many of a minority here, this is not a charity land.... which i can fully sympathise with too. even i sometimes get annoyed with "the turks", which have become a stereotype of cussing unadapting and violent people with their own language (a mix of everything) and a weird taste for hair and clothing, something like the modern good for nothing.

but here is an example of a girl that seems completely normal. the law already had upset me when it came out, and i was aware of what it must mean to some people, that are only looking for a better life, but meeting somebody, that was ripped out of everything that was normal into a country without h&m (almost unthinkable for the average teenager) at my age, that puts me into a dilemma of whom to agree with. statistics or my heart?

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