Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Friday, 13 June 2008

lots of new love

wow it has been a while. so much has happened

first: sailing with my class. it was really sweet! awesome weather, awesome shopping, awesome swimming... and surprizingly no alcool, nor bitchfights! wow!! plus i now can sail. not bad eh?

further the first dance training. nad second. and in two days third.

then: a week of pure stress with school, which thank goodness is over.

and finally my internship. I LOVE IT TO BITS!!!!!!!!!!!
it is so amazing! hte patients are all a bit elderly, but most of them are really cute and nice- almost cuddly! even though life on the station gets a bit dull after a while, i always enjoy the visit with my station doctor. 
in the moring there first is a meeting of all the doctors, then important blood things, then: really important: breakfast!!!
when thats done, we do the visit, finish blood, talk to patients about OPs and leaving and everythign else important. then we sometimes get iced coffee, and go to the op. as our station is rather tiny, ( only 18 patients) its done quickly, and the station doctor used for other tasks, such as in the op. (good hehe)

ive seen 11 ops. 8 last week. i love them! its is really interresting, and the people explain a lot. especially the people that actually do the action (chirurgen) do so, because they know me. they tel me to come closer, have a look at this and that, and explain what they are doing.
for example i got to hold a piece of bone, cement and wait for the chemical reaction where it hardens (it gets hot), i got to snip through adipose tissue and narbengewebe (outide of the patient), see prothesen, bone, muscles...

now to the active part. i got to get blood from patients, help out with packaging them up etc.  then i got to give some equipment  in a sterile way, help sterile people to get into their sterile cloaks (which is rather complex). i even got to beatmen somebody manually, and today, i gto dressed in green!
washing, bathing in sterisilation liquid, of course the standard hair net and face mask, and then the cloak, the gloves (put on in a sterile way) and finally it was the other way around. i could touch everything green, and had to keep safe distance from everything not green, but i could touch the patient and help out a bit, holding muscles apart, soaking up blood, watching learning, and having a laugh at politician jokes of long gone and (not yet) forgotten politicians.

im doing overtime already. oh no! (haha no i love it, i learn so much and its so interresting! much better than a normal bureau). lets hope i get my perfect IB so i fulfill the numerus clausus for german unis- not saying i will stay there but it is a possibility.

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