Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Monday, 30 June 2008

Sri Lanka comes from Cyprus

apart from hearing the first signs of life in some time from my beloved blog partner, I have spent the weekend in holland, alkmaar.
yet again a wonderful and fluffy and simply great mun experience.
ok i just got my STOF appointment for MUNOM, my next conference. i really hope none of the executives reads this, but come on, i got the lamest committee ever!!! and i do know that my chairing is a lot better than not to even get my last choice, but to be stuck with some shitty debate on finance of multinational companies while i could do refugees in africa.
that got down my mood which was soaring from the great IMUNA conference.
wonderful. i bet some really slow and bad chair got the juicy stuff -.-

ah well back to IMUNA. I feel compelled to follow the pattern and stick in a quote, even though i know my entries are no linguistic masterpiece:
" wanna get dirrty
its about time that i came to start the party
dancing getting just a little naughtly, 
wanna get dirrty, 
its about time for my arrival" 
for those fans of teeny pop music of half a century ago: you must know this song. for all others, it comes from christina aguilera, and is called dirrty nad even though shes not exactly my absolute favourite, the song basically sums up the mun party. i scored 140 points in total (all muns), but really, that was nothing in compared to some other people. 
yeah all those that have not seen me at a party before, well im sort of change, as i love dancing, and can do one thing many people cant do: let go without the use of alcohol as a mediator.

of course muns much more than the mun party where our delegation was stupid enough to get cuaght drinking beer (?! come on how stupid do you have to be there are enough people there to hide behind if you really do happen to have the strong urge for alcohol). i was chair of SPC1. not really what i had applied for either, but my secnd choice, which was not bad either. my deputy was great, knew her stuff so i really rarely had to help out and was really nice and fun to hang out with (and be housed with). and my committee was 3/4 or even more first timers, and the others were not especially active either. therefore i had to do a lot of encouragement, with surprizingly little silencing. the treaty that sprung out was....rather well... not that good, but hey they were first timers, and i am proud that we finished and did get a debate going. ah and yes. sri lanka did come from cyprus, as did china and some other country that was next to them. btw im Sg for muniss, our conference

my housing was also good. together with Sam, char(lotte), denise, my deputy marijn and emilie, i shared a total of two rooms and one shower. it was quite liveable like that adn i didnt really mind, except for the dutch, which actually improved in time!
awwww!!! i miss you guys already!!! the conference should be longer!!!

now pragathi, id have a hell of a lot of stuff todiscuss with you, but writing it down is so terribly long. itll have to wait. btu one day we will definately drive the phoning companies through half the world crazy. as well as my parents of course ;)

24 and a bit more hours at home. perhaps a total of 72 if im lucky? then im off to macedonia. dunno what to make of it, ill survive if its bad, but sometimes its good not to have any expectations.

I feel rather cynical about my current school and am internally considering applying for a UWC one more time - id loose a year and basically do IB twice but what the hell? if i get in then..

ah well they don want me. forget that julia.
ive also met 2 dutch people that go there/will go there. its so unfair! it seems to be a lot easier to get into in holland? or am i really that abd at interviews??

not in the best mood. maybe i jsut need sleep and holidays. my report cards coming tomorrow. how wonderful. *right*

well this does not fit but i jsut had to express that i did it: i told by fave teacher how shit he was. be proud of me pragathi. i will be eternally hated by him (as i already am) and he might well do ib next year. isnt that simply spendid?! so much to cynicism. good night for now (i think i want to change my booking of seats to a sleeping compartment)

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Flying Ahead...

Far away, this ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories...

The words from the song of one of Julia’s favourite bands, Muse, resonated in my head all through my journey, except that it was an aeroplane taking me far away rather than the somewhat traditional ships.

Stuttgart was a wonderful place and a fascinating experience. The world has become smaller, and it’s not hard to visit places, but it’s hard to leave the people who have become close to me in my short stay. Distance always rusts relationships to a certain extent. But I hope our super-duper communication method (referring to the blog) will keep my in touch with your activities and mine to you. Well, parcels are in order too – little brown packages filled with goodies.

This blog is such a nice way to keep in touch with the limited amount of Internet time that I am having. After having found my way through the labyrinths or German software system, I have succeeded in writing this first blog from the neighbouring continent.

I miss everybody in Stuttgart, but of course life moves on…Sometimes you have to loose something to know it will always be there. Don’t worry, I can’t really forget you; you have a reserved seat in my heart. I really should get up before the keyboard is drenched. Echoing the title of a Bollywood movie – Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna – Never Say Goodbye, the Express moves on…

I finish this off with the modified parting words of Mr. Snyder – Life is a journey and I am glad I could stop in Stuttgart for a while.

Friday, 13 June 2008

lots of new love

wow it has been a while. so much has happened

first: sailing with my class. it was really sweet! awesome weather, awesome shopping, awesome swimming... and surprizingly no alcool, nor bitchfights! wow!! plus i now can sail. not bad eh?

further the first dance training. nad second. and in two days third.

then: a week of pure stress with school, which thank goodness is over.

and finally my internship. I LOVE IT TO BITS!!!!!!!!!!!
it is so amazing! hte patients are all a bit elderly, but most of them are really cute and nice- almost cuddly! even though life on the station gets a bit dull after a while, i always enjoy the visit with my station doctor. 
in the moring there first is a meeting of all the doctors, then important blood things, then: really important: breakfast!!!
when thats done, we do the visit, finish blood, talk to patients about OPs and leaving and everythign else important. then we sometimes get iced coffee, and go to the op. as our station is rather tiny, ( only 18 patients) its done quickly, and the station doctor used for other tasks, such as in the op. (good hehe)

ive seen 11 ops. 8 last week. i love them! its is really interresting, and the people explain a lot. especially the people that actually do the action (chirurgen) do so, because they know me. they tel me to come closer, have a look at this and that, and explain what they are doing.
for example i got to hold a piece of bone, cement and wait for the chemical reaction where it hardens (it gets hot), i got to snip through adipose tissue and narbengewebe (outide of the patient), see prothesen, bone, muscles...

now to the active part. i got to get blood from patients, help out with packaging them up etc.  then i got to give some equipment  in a sterile way, help sterile people to get into their sterile cloaks (which is rather complex). i even got to beatmen somebody manually, and today, i gto dressed in green!
washing, bathing in sterisilation liquid, of course the standard hair net and face mask, and then the cloak, the gloves (put on in a sterile way) and finally it was the other way around. i could touch everything green, and had to keep safe distance from everything not green, but i could touch the patient and help out a bit, holding muscles apart, soaking up blood, watching learning, and having a laugh at politician jokes of long gone and (not yet) forgotten politicians.

im doing overtime already. oh no! (haha no i love it, i learn so much and its so interresting! much better than a normal bureau). lets hope i get my perfect IB so i fulfill the numerus clausus for german unis- not saying i will stay there but it is a possibility.