Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Tingling of summer

I am restless
I have an urge to be on the road
passing landscape, dreaming in a moving vehicle - traveling is end and means in one.
new friends, new faces, new things to see
the world is so big and i have so little time
it seems as though its running through my fingers - like the sand i pick up from the beach.
I want to see so much, I want to do so much, I want to know so much
but when? when?
I am in london, yes and even in this town there is so much i haven't seen and done yet.
It gets lost in the everyday, in the routine and laziness. the conscience about what I should be doing, and the fatigue after long day of lectures.
I need to find something to do - i have another month, not enough for anything formal - sewing, languages or just kicking myself out the door more often?
all the time
i am dreaming of foreign places

Thursday, 7 June 2012

road trip: switzerland, italy, france and back

And I almost forgot - I have a road trip to write about! last weekend I arranged for my mums car (I have 5 days off), arranged for 3 days with Jürgen and we drove down through switzerland to lago maggiore where we stayed the night, then down to the mediterranean sea coast, over to france - monaco and nice, stayed over near antibes and then through the haute provence along the route napoleon via grenoble, geneva etc back to stuttgart. A long trip in a short time, crazy but very much worth it. as I need to study now, Ill let pictures speak: (to be uploaded later)

Newly discovered cooking almanac : Food blogs!

Yes, I should be studying at this moment (as I have an exam in 3 weeks, and haven't really looked at any lectures for it yet) so this will be short:
I take quite a bit of free time nowadays - my dance partner is not around which means little dancing and philosophy is over as well. that leaves time to procrastinate, watch movies on bbc iplayer and do some proper cooking - more than just the usual steamed vegetables and bread with topping.

I have discovered the vast landscape of foodblogs. I am only scratching at the surface of what promises to be endless masses of favorite, flavorsome, original (and classic), easy and super difficult recipes from all over the place. It all started when i wanted to describe a type of semolina cake to my flatmates and googled it. Whatever I was after did not come up, but a similar version made with ricotta cheese (italian, similar to cream cheese but less fat and mainly used in cooking and baking). That led me on to a chicken and vegetable oven baked dish which i tried yesterday and was amazing.
The blog i landed on was based around austrian cuisine but with some deviations around it as well.  I do agree with the fellow blogger that despite the italian, french, asian, moroccan and fusion trends going on, traditional "regional" cooking is also worth looking into. Usually adjusted sugar and fat to the lowered calorific usage nowadays does the trick to turn recipes my grandparent's grandparents have cooked into modern delicacies.

On the website of my favorite magazine (which, coincidentally, is about food as well) i have found the link to loads more of such blogs: great for the inner foodie, terrible for the upcoming exams. That brings me back to lectures i need to start...

Want to come for dinner? - needless to say ill cook (pure) veg for you :)