Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Brighton, Dover and melancholy

The last week of the year has arrived. People are slowly drizzeling out. The ones left over meet for a drowsy breakfast, reminiscing on the year, pitying we didnt go out enough and worked too hard, and dreaming about summer. I am all over the place. I try to scedule in friends I know I wont see in a long time, I try to pack, I try to enjoy london, and I dare not think that this year is over soon, I will be home in my old life for a few months.
In the meantime i am exploring the pleasures of london. And as of last monday, the pleasures o the area: brighton, and dover. We rented a car, and did the round trip along the coast in a day. fish and chips, beach, and chalk mountains all in one day.
I need to pack now. I dont want to pack now, but it has to be done. bye bye wilkinson, LG63 and most importantly, bye bye to the wonderful people I have been allowed to meet here. I hope that even though we are moving out etc. our friendship will remain.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

internet vs the CD

Since a bit less than a year I have now been separated from my beloved and reliable library: source of lots of music. Instead I have been searching my way through youtube, lastfm and grooveshark, complemented by DASDING, by "home" radio station I used to wake up to most mornings and work to most evenings. My music habits have changed. No more complete cds, jsut a pick and mix of different songs. I miss putting in one artist and one style and listening through- the good and the less good songs. They were put there for a purpose, in that order, in that composition. "getting" some of what the artist is trying to say with that is part of the experience. The mood the CD creates is unique, eventhough it may get monotonous.
Looking foreward to home.

"es ist ein gutes gefühl zu wissen wir kennen uns noch in 10 Jahren"
Tomte: Buchstaben über der Stadt