Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Friday, 1 October 2010

Stuttgart 21-stuttgart is going down

Yes this had to come at some point. I do not know if you have heard about the restructuring of the Stuttgart train station, but it is the cause of massive demonstrations. like nothing id ever expected from swabian masses. and now one thing is clear: a huge number of political parties have made themselves hugely unpopular. Aparently the situation escalated earlier today. Its getting ridiculous. And concerning. Take a look as long as the link works!

The letters of petition against the half destroyed train station. so much money and so much more for a questionable project.

My last day here. As already Katy Perry said: "Ill never be the same-if we ever meet again", and Stuttgart wont be the same either. And thus the train moves on. the second half finally leaves Stuttgart, then next stopping point, first Bonn then London.