Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Monday, 24 May 2010

sunburns, bikes and freedom

Last tueday was my last exam.
It is such a relief knoing that the hell of the past two years is over. on the other hand you sit there thinking: so this was it?!
all this accumulated knowledge in your brain there on recall for 2 weeks. and what other use does it have. and the more important question: so what do I do now?

the weather has been absolute crap pretty much all through exams (thank goodness. I would have hated sitting inside with sun + 25°C min. ) but this weekend it has cleared up. I am out and about enjoying the new sunnny sid of things x2.

saturday I went to heidelberg to visit Jürgen. we took our bikes to go to a small lake nearby. via the Hockenheim ring. the place where fast cars race 1 a year. I even rode on parts of the old parcour.
The lake was beautiful (see picture). Quiet, and not overcrouded like stuttgart downtown with sun. and I did get a huge tanline on my back. more like a redline, where the not quite lobster, but perhaps strawberry red met camembert white.

Today I went biking with my mum. past the tv tower, past the school (waved to mr. Garvey), to möhringen, then along a little river, past plieningen, ruit, and home.

straberry red has intensfied. but I take it as the colour of freedom.