Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination

Thursday, 18 February 2010

procrastination and tatort

I havent blogged in... 3 months??? wow thats way too much. and way too much has happened to gulp it down in one huge blog bite sized gulp. in december I had huge stress finishin my Extended essay in chemistry. I had to miss school to go to the lab. Im just so happy its over.
then I went to istambul. for mun. it was one of the best muns ive been to. no the conference wasnt that great, but the people and the city and the completely different culture made it very special.
then I had "break" in which we, yet again had more trainign than real break, finished off by the first tournamen (we won it) and mock exams the next day.
january was over with mocks. and all the sudden we had our orals (last week) and now its already february break.

time flies much quicker than I want it to.

so why am i blogging all the sudden ? firstly because of chris, a good friend of mine who actually reads my ranting sometimes, who reminded me yesterday that I should blog more. and because im procrastinating my 4 lab reports i have to write until next week. Ill keep tis short and should go on doing chem.

lately I am a huge fan of a german actor called Jan Josef Liefers. Its going to be a small phase of glory, but his movies are soo funny! his most famous ones (at least inner country wise) are in a german criminal series called "tatort" the oldest criminal series of te country. It is built similar to CSI; ther are different towns. but instead of having each season a town, they alternate on a weekly basis. so theres one in berlin, leipzig, stuttgart, bodensee, köln, and most immportantly, Münster. and they are so much better than csi ... by the way.
so mr. liefers is playing a rather snobbish, elitarian pathologist. "the professor". he loves cars, listening to classical music at a very loud volume and has an opinion of everything. this character is contrasted by the superintendant "thiel", not only the last name of Jürgens flatmate, but also the complete oppsite in everything of proffessor boerne. and lastly boernes helper, Alberich, a short little woman (litterally short) that has the liscence of making as much fun of her boss than he of her.

"Alberich: "Jetzt kommen Sie mal wieder runter, Chef!"
(Get down /chill", proffessor)
Boerne: "Wohin? Auf Ihr Niveau etwa?"
(where? perhaps to your level?)
Bulle (lacht): "Der war gut."
(laughing - that was a good one)
Boerne: "Fanden Sie gut?"
(you thought that was good)
Bulle: "Der war komisch."
(that was funny)
Boerne: "Ah ja, was fanden Sie denn komisch?"
(right, what did you find funny?)
Bulle: "Na das mit dem Niveau und dem Runterkommen."
(well that with the getting down and the level)
Boerne: "Wollen Sie über meine Mitarbeiterin lustig machen?"
(do you want to make fun of my coworker?)
Bulle: "Nein, aber Sie haben doch gerade selber einen ..."
(no, but you yourself...)
Boerne: "Wenn sich hier einer lustig macht, dann bin ich das. Stimmt's, Alberich?"
(if anyone makes any fun of someone, then thats me. right alberich?)
Alberich: "Klar, Chef." (Klatschen sich ab) "Und umgekehrt."
(sure boss...and the other way around)
Boerne: "Genau." "